Japan / Nansei Shoto Region /

JP162Yone and Gushi tidal flats

Site Description

Wetlands (inland)

Gushi tidal flat: The site is a tidal flat with sand and mud next to Naha Airport in the southwest of Okinawa Prefecture. At the landside are mangrove forests and reed beds. Small rocks in the site provide resting grounds for water birds.

Yoneyusuichi: The site is a flood control basin which is in residential area. Its watercourse is connected to the sea. The shape is triangular and all sides are protected with concrete. Its inside is a mudflat with reed beds for the most part.

Area & Coordinates

180ha 26°10′N 127°39′E
region: Nansei Shoto Region, Okinawa


A1, A4i

Designation Type

World Heritage Candidate

Protection Status


Conservation issues


Winter visitor

Platalea minor



©YAMADA Yasuhiro

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